Carlos Becerra, R.Ac.
T: 604 788 2455
-        milk products (except yogurt)
-        sugar and sweets
-        white flour
-        refined starch and highly processed starch products
-        excess raw fruits and vegetables
-        excess mushrooms and fungi
-        icy and cold beverages
-        fatty, greasy and deep fried foods
-        hydrogenated oils
-        excess fermented, yeast containing foods (beer, wine, alcoholic beverages)
-        excess vinegar and the products made with it
-        soy products
o      the consumption of these products can be reduced to a few times a week rather than every day
§       soy isolate powders
§       soy milk
§       fake lunch meats with soy protein isolate
§       tofu
§       tempeh
-        ice-cream (highly dampening [dairy+sugar+cold temperature])